Education/Advocacy/School In-Services

Long Island Tourette Association has a team of trained individuals who provide free in-service for faculty, psychologists, social workers, staff and other school personnel that may interact with children who have Tourette. School personnel benefit immensely from the knowledge and valuable teaching methods they acquire through these presentations, coming away with skills and understanding that dramatically improve the academic and social environment of children with Tourette. Educational materials provided include brochures, CDs and DVDs.
The Education and Advocacy Committee is Chaired by Jane Zwilling, Psy.D. The Committee is dedicated to presenting in-service workshops for school staff and faculties and is also available for consultations to school personnel and to parents. Additionally, the committee has been responding to parents’ requests for information and is helping parents to advocate for their children at IEP and other team meetings at schools.
If anyone is interested in being trained to be an advocate and is willing to, or able to present at school districts, please contact us at or at 516-590-7551.
Please visit the Tourette Association of America website at and check out the Education/Advocacy section for valuable information in regard to preparing to advocate for your youngster.
If you would like to schedule a school presentation for your child, please contact us.